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NOVINKA - Němčina pro děti i dospělé!

Od 2. pololetí otevíráme nové kurzy!

Lektorka: Tereza Hrejsemnou

„Uč se se mnou hravě, snadno, beze strachu z chyby a s dobrým pocitem, že pro sebe něco děláš. Během lekcí se vedle předávání jazykových znalostí zaměřuji na motivaci studentů k aktivnímu mluvení s jakoukoliv slovní zásobou v klidu a v pohodě.“

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1 Comment

James Smith
James Smith
Jan 28

That sounds like a fantastic opportunity to learn in a relaxed, motivating environment! Tereza Hrejsemnou's approach of focusing on motivation and active speaking seems like a great way to build confidence in language skills, especially with the focus on learning without fear of making mistakes.

For those balancing learning with other academic commitments, such as tackling accounting assignments, it can be beneficial to integrate languages into your daily routine without feeling overwhelmed. If you ever find yourself needing extra help with assignments, platforms MyAssignmentHelp offer accounting assignments help to make sure you stay on track while enjoying new learning experiences like this.

Looking forward to hearing more about the courses and how they’re going!

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